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░▒▓█ Doom Cheat █▓▒░
Thank you for reading this (not everyone does:).
I hope you enjoy cheating with Doom Cheat since it was fun to make.
Hopefully you'll be satified with what you can edit with this program
and hopefully I'll discover more stuff in the saved game files to
edit in the future.
For now though this shareware version lets you edit everything in a
saved game file except the network saved games. Why? Because I have
invested some time into this program which I feel should be rewarded
in the form of cold hard cash. As a bonus to you, you get the added
ability to edit Network games and get free updates mailed to you direct.
And, of course, I'll send all of my utility programs and any other cool
releases I may have.
Buuut if you want to be a SLIME BALL and never register this program or
even register DOOM with id Software then I wish you bad luck loser
and I hope my or someone elses program hangs your computer driving
you mad to the point insanity (and you get locked up in a mental
Getting started:
Move or copy (install) the DOOMCH.EAT and DC.EXE files to your DOOM
saved game directory.
For example DOOM version 1.1 has a directory called \DOOMDATA in your main
directory ( C:\DOOMDATA ).
DOOM 1.2 and 1.6+ saves games in the directory where the DOOM.EXE file
is located and no longer uses the old \DOOMDATA directory.
If you have not saved any games yet then play DOOM and save a game by
pressing [F2] during the game or press [ESC] and choose "SAVE GAME" on the
main manu after starting a new game.
Doom Cheat will NOT let you run it until you save a game. Saved game files
are named as:
whereever you find these files that is where you must move/copy
To run Doom Cheat type "DC" then press [ENTER] at the dos prompt when you
are in the DOOM directory.
Reasonably important:
Make sure to read the About section inside of Doom Cheat...
just press [F1] while viewing a saved game's data.
If this came in the "patch" the only thing wrong was the Super max out...
after your weapon there is an unknown but important field that was not set
correctly for DOOM v1.6 saved games. It caused DOOM to die and leave the
clock ticking away at about 30 ticks per second (normal is about 18.2).
Well that was easy enough to fix.
The above problem has led me to include this note to anyone who uses my
program. id Software can not be held responsible for any errors that this
program may cause. If you contact them with a question on this program you
are not a very bright person since id Software did NOT make this program.
You can get help from me on Software Creations BBS but be sure to address
your E-Mail to "DERIC BENESCH" in the main conferance (default).
If you want to play it safe do NOT change anything in the "Unknown ##"
fields and if you do - press [CTRL+R] to restore the game rather then messing
it up entirely. You should also stay within 0-999 on almost all numeric
fields and on fields that have "settings" like "on" or "god mode" you
should use the setting and never see a numeric value in its place. Doom
Cheat was made as a "hack" for the saved game files and although it may be
"user-friendly" it is still powerfull enough to mess up DOOM.
Use Doom Cheat with caution and AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
New parameter passing and program support.
You can now enter parameter(s) into Doom Cheat to pass to either
You can enter MAIN parameters almost anytime in Doom Cheat by pressing:
Here's a run down of the parameter macros:
@IPX ≡ Load IPXSETUP.EXE in the current directory.
@SER ≡ Load SERSETUP.EXE in the current directory.
@SET ≡ Load SETUP.EXE in the current directory.
NOTE: Without one of the above macros DOOM.EXE will be loaded.
Multiple repititions of a macro are ignored/deleted from final
parameter string.
@PROMPT ≡ Prompts you before loading ANY program including DOOM.EXE...
This is a handy feature allowing you to edit the final
parameter string just before execution. You can add the
names of PWADs to the parameter string while having pre-set
parameters like -RESPAWN.
The order in which you enter macros does NOT matter but some macros
have presidence over others (like @PROMPT). Besides entering something
like @IPX@SER@PROMPT is kind of stupid. Just pick one. Here's an example
of a typical parameter string I use:
and sometimes:
The macros and parameters are not case sensitive so use lowercase if your
lazy (like me).
Network saved games (registered Doom Cheat only and...
DOOM v1.2 or v1.6 which should be registered).
DOOM v1.2, 1.6 saves network games on every players computer. If you
change the net saved game on one computer you should make the same changes on
the other computers or copy the saved game file to the other computers.
To change players 2-4 press [N] while viewing then first player's data and
press [N] again to move to the next player's data and so on. To get back to
the first player's data press [ESC] or keep pressing [N] until you pass
saved player number 4.
You can now press F2-F4 to jump to player's 2-4 while viewing the 1st
players data.
If you want to load DOOM directly you must press [ESC] first if you're
editing players 2-4, then press [CRTL+D]. Otherwise you'll see a message
pop up to let you know that you're not to bright.
I currently do not have Doom Cheat set up to load SETUP or IPXSETUP or
SERSETUP but if I need it for myself (or someone pays me to) I'll build
the option in with the ability to use a parameter file of some kind or
I'll just have a box pop up and ask for parameters. I may add the ability
to pass parameters to DOOM since I like to play PWADs from time to time.
I have NOT tested Doom Cheat with a DOOM v1.2 saved game with over 2
players. If someone could send me a copy of a game saved with DOOM v1.2
and at least 3 players (shoot for 4) I can confirm my educated guess or
fix the Doom Cheat settings. Please send info of each players HEALTH and
ARMOR, that's all I should need. If you didn't register Doom Cheat I'll
give you a registered version so you can use it yourself (No Fake
Saves Please). As far as copyrights are concerned with networks I'm not
going to rip your head off if you use the same copy of the registered
Doom Cheat over a LAN network but try not to let the registered version
leak out to the public or I SHALL be Pissed!
New Mouse support!
Now you can navigate Doom Cheat with your mouse. Here are the simple
rules for the mouse buttons...
Button │ Description
Left Button #1 │ Acts as LEFT and Y keys
Right Button #2 │ Acts as RIGHT and N keys
Middle Button │ Acts as ENTER and ESC keys
If you press both buttons 1 and 2 at the same time when you are editing
a saved game the "Enter a value" box will pop up... the middle mouse
button does this also.
When you see a "Save game?" box pop up, if you press a button while the
mouse cursor is away from the buttons the mouse buttons will act like
the Y, N, ESC keys described above.
If you push a button directly it doesn't matter which button is pressed
since it will do the "hot" key on the button.
Other notes:
The SPACE key no longer saves the game when you are prompted with the
"Save game?" message. Now you MUST press Y or ENTER (or mouse button #1)
to save the game.
If you aren't using the mouse the new TAB key is a nice feature for
quickly editing your game(s).
You can load DOOM right from Doom Cheat by pressing [CTRL+D] at almost
any time when your inside of Doom Cheat. The DC.EXE file uses less then
6K of memory so you should have no problems with memory.
If you plan on using Doom Cheat, load Doom Cheat first then press [CTRL+D]
to load DOOM. When you quit from DOOM, Doom Cheat will load back up
automatically for you so you can constantly change your saved game then
load DOOM without having to type at the DOS prompt. When you want to quit
from Doom Cheat press [CTRL+Q].
There are some "fields" that I have not figured out, mainly since I'd
rather play this incredible game rather then figuring it out.
If you figure out what the Unknown fields are send me a letter describing
which field(s) are what and how to test your findings out (It has to
work of course).
If they work I will send you a disk of stuff that I didn't send you yet
(if I sent you anything yet at all).
If Doom Cheat doesn't know the DOOM version number of the saved game file
it will default to version 1.6.
Try this out...
Set your "Health" to "0" and make sure you have "God Mode On"...
you can walk around without being attacked, a VERY strange thing in DOOM.
Everything else is in Doom Cheat but here's a quick list
of the DOOM built-in cheat commands.
During a game press these letters in order at any speed:
IDDQD ≡ Degreelessness mode, God mode.
IDKFA ≡ Full ammo.
IDSPISPOPD ≡ No clipping, walk through walls.
IDBEHOLD ≡ Menu of power-ups, press letter of power-up to toggle.
IDCLEV ≡ Warp, press episode number and then level number.
There is no message for this one but when you press
the numbers your weapon doesn't change.
IDCHOPPERS ≡ Gives you the chainsaw, press [1] to use it.
IDMYPOS ≡ Gives current position.
And while looking at the map (press [TAB]):
IDDT ≡ Toggles between normal, full, and full with objects.
Make sure MESSAGES=ON to see if you entered the codes right.
I've noticed that many of these codes don't work in the "Nightmare"
difficulty setting in DOOM v1.2+ but you can still use Doom Cheat to
give yourself God mode and Walkthrough walls as well as the standard
stuff. The above codes also don't always work in network games but
you can give yourself and everyone else playing a network game God
mode and tons of ammo with the registered version of Doom Cheat.
If your having trouble in Doom Cheat press [F1] to get info/help.
Doom Cheat recognizes DOOM version 1.1 ,DOOM version 1.2,
DOOM version 1.6 and
adjusts itself for the save game files.
Get Deric's latest releases from:
░▒▓█ Software Creations BBS █▓▒░
1200/2400 V.42/MNP Lines : (508) 365-2359
2400-14.4k HST US Robotics Lines : (508) 368-7036
2400-16.8k V.32/V.42bis US Robotics lines : (508) 368-7139
14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.fc Hayes Optima lines: (508) 365-9352
14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.32terbo/V.fc US Robotics lines: (508) 368-3424
» "Home of the Authors" «
* Software Creations Voted #1 BBS for 1993 *
"There's no place like home!"
Please register DOOM with id Software so I can get to play another generation
of DOOM and so can you. It should be real hard to top this game off but if it
had added animations/frames for the sprites, reflective stuff like water,
added abilities like flying, and more blood that stuck to the floor, walls,
and players, more network players, more weapons, more stuff to find,
more enemies, more of anything that is possible...
DOOM would become the best game on the PC and any other platform it is
ported to. With the new 32-64bit systems coming out this is more possible
and easier to do, especially with CD-ROM systems like Saturn, Sony's PS-X,
the Jaguar (I've got it already), big Ns Project whatever, and yes even 3DO.
But none of these systems gives you the power or versatility of the PC and
hopefully id Software will never abandon this platform in the years to come.
To register DOOM with id Software see the ORDER.FRM file that came with DOOM.
DOOM, the DOOM logo and DOOM likenesses are trademarks of
id Software, inc., (C)1993